Autocomplete ComponentΒΆ

Autocomplete uses the react select component As a result all the react select configurations can be passed in the element configuration.

  type: 'Autocomplete',
  name: 'some-name',
  multi: true,
  url: 'http://localhost:3004/options?q={{keyword}}',

Available settings

  • willFilter: An array of values where each value referes to a dataResource which the filter applies to
  • disabledBy: An array of values where each value is the field attribute of another filter. If the referenced filter is enabled, the current filter will be disabled.
  • multi: you can enable multi-value selection by setting multi to true.
  • field: an arbitrary name, or key, for the filter - this will be the key for state.appliedFilters[field]. It is often helpful for the field name to correspond to a column variable in your data.
  • data: an array with options (e.g.: [{ value: ‘one’, label: ‘One’ }])
  • dataHandlers: Alternately, you can use a data handler to return the component data - this is useful if your autocomplete options are derived from dashbaord data