
Dashboard Data Settings

Dashboard data is configured using the dataResources prop. The dataResources keys (also called dataKeys) refer to a settings object which is used by getDashboardData() to fetch data and populate the dashboard.


Each dashboard implementation should include a getDashboardData() with the following responsibility:
  • fetch data based on props.dataResources
  • set data to dashboard using this.setState({data: fetchedData})
  • set isFetching to false using this.setState({isFetching: false})

Dashboard Data Format

Dashboard data should be formated as follows:

data: {
    dataKey1: { //... },
    dataKey2: { //... }
    // ...

Each dataKey should represent a discreet data set. This division of data into seperate indexes allows us to target these indexes in our dataHandlers dataHandlers, filters, etc.

Component Data

Data is passed as a prop to components. Data should be formatted as an array, but the specific data format is determined by the component.

Each component can define data as an object, OR provide dataHandlers which return a data object.

See Components for more information about data format required by each component type.